Dental plaque is a film of bacteria that forms on the teeth. It has a sticky feel, and it is colourless. It is very noticeable to your tongue’s touch when you have not brushed your teeth.
How Does Dental Plaque Affect Me?
July 25, 2016
What Is A Tooth Abscess And How Does it Affect Me?
July 18, 2016
A tooth abscess is also referred to as a periapical abscess. This type of abscess occurs in the tooth, but its effects can spread outward. An abscess happens when the nerve of the tooth is dying or dead. This abscess is located at the tip of the tooth root.
How Does Fluoride Benefit My Teeth?
July 11, 2016
It is a mineral that is found in foods, water, and soil. In a dental office, fluoride comes in a higher concentration and in different forms. It can come as a thickened type of gel, as a foam, in liquid form or as a varnish to be applied to teeth. For daily use, it comes in low concentrations in toothpaste and mouthwash.