Tooth cleaning aids are items that are used to help maintain oral health. These tools can be used to clean your teeth, gums and tongue to prevent gum disease, dental decay and bad breath. Most of us know about the common cleaning aids such as dental floss, toothbrushes and floss piks. However, there are other tools that are needed for certain dental conditions.
Tooth Cleaning Aids
December 28, 2018
Manage Dental Anxiety with Dental Sedation
December 18, 2018
Even though most dental procedures aren’t uncomfortable, a significant portion of the population avoids dental visits. It is estimated that between 9 to 20% of people avoid going to the dentist due to dental anxiety. Dental phobia is an intense fear that prevents patients from having dental care, often for many years. Patients with dental anxiety are still able to attend dental appointments, but they may endure a lot of stress and anxiety during the appointments.
Dental Health During Pregnancy
December 10, 2018
We all know that pregnancy brings a variety of changes to the body. What is not commonly known, are the changes that occur in the mouth, that can affect dental health. These changes to dental health, often require changes in dental treatment plans as well.
What Is An Implant-Supported Bridge?
December 4, 2018
Similar to a traditional dental bridge, an implant-supported bridge looks the same. However, the benefits of an implant-supported bridge far exceed that of the conventional dental bridge. Natural teeth support a traditional dental bridge. However, an implant-supported bridge is supported by dental implants.