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We are proud to announce that we now offer in house Orthodontics!

5 Amazing Benefits of Dental Implants

June 15, 2021

A dental implant is a replacement tooth that is used to fill the space of a missing tooth. Natural teeth can be lost due to decay, trauma, extraction, etc. A dental implant consists of a titanium screw inserted into the bone and a porcelain or ceramic crown on top. The screw is left to heal and integrate into the bone for 4-6 months before the permanent crown is placed. In the interim, a temporary crown can be placed on the screw to fill the space. 

Best Option for Aesthetics and Function 

Dental implants are the best option in many areas for replacing missing teeth both as they excel in aesthetics and function. Dental implants act, look and function just like natural teeth. Dental implants are also cleaned in the same way as natural teeth, brushing at least twice a day and flossing at least once a day. Your dental hygienist will use a softer cleaning tool around the implant during your routine cleanings to prevent any microscopic scratches or scrapes. 

Best Long Term Option 

Dental implants offer the best long-term solution for replacing missing teeth. Dental implants can last a lifetime if properly cared for. Make sure to maintain proper care of your teeth and gums at home daily and see your dentist and dental hygienist regularly for your routine check-ups and cleanings. 

Saves Bone Levels 

When a tooth/ teeth are lost, the bone level in the area begins to recede away because there are no longer any teeth holding it in position. Jawbone height requires teeth roots to maintain it at the right level. Years, and even months, after a tooth is lost, the bone will disappear in the area. Dental implants help to maintain the ideal level of the bone.

Prevents Shifting of Opposing Teeth 

When a tooth is lost and creates an open space, surrounding teeth are prone to shifting. Opposing teeth tend to over-erupt into the space, and adjacent teeth tend to move into the space. This can cause problems with the health, function and appearance of the surrounding teeth and lead to bite issues. 

Can Be Used for One or All Teeth 

A dental implant is a great solution to replace one missing tooth and an entire arch of missing teeth. Dental implants can eliminate the need for uncomfortable and cumbersome dentures. Dental implant-supported dentures are fixed dentures (meaning they don’t need to be taken out and put back in) supported by several titanium screws placed throughout the arch. Implant-supported dentures are much more comfortable, better functioning and a more long-term solution than regular dentures. 

If you believe you are a candidate for dental implants or have any questions about them, we encourage you to contact us today to schedule an appointment.