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We are proud to announce that we now offer in house Orthodontics!

5 of the Most-Asked Questions About Invisalign, Answered!

August 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — salvaggiodentistry @ 2:56 pm

Dentist smiling at patient while taking notes on clipboardSince Invisalign has been around for over two decades and has helped millions of patients around the world, there’s a good chance that you already know quite a bit about it. That said, it’s always a good idea to do your homework upfront. That way, you can make a confident decision on if it’s the right orthodontic treatment for you and how to make the transition into life with braces as smooth as possible. To help, read on; the answers to five of the most-asked questions about Invisalign are below!

1. Does Invisalign Hurt?

Patients often assume that braces come with considerable pain. That’s not the case with Invisalign. Although some soreness from the movement of your teeth is normal, the aligners are custom-made from smooth plastic, which means they won’t irritate the soft tissue in your mouth.

2. How Long Does Invisalign Take?

Invisalign has an average treatment timeline of only 12-18 months. That said, there are several factors that will play a role in how long your teeth-straightening journey is. Don’t worry – you’ll receive an estimate at your consultation so you have a general idea of how much time you need to invest.

3. Do I Really Need to Wear My Aligners for 20+ Hours a Day?

The short answer is “yes.” After all, if you don’t wear your aligners for the large majority of the day, your teeth won’t move. If your teeth don’t move, then you will fall off-track with your treatment plan. If you fall off-track with your treatment plan, then you will need to invest more time and money in Invisalign.

4. Can I Drink Coffee with Invisalign?

If you love starting your morning with a cup of coffee, you’ll be happy to know that the start of your orthodontic treatment doesn’t mean the end of your days drinking this caffeinated beverage. There is just one rule you need to keep in mind: you need to remove your aligners first – no exceptions.

5. What Happens After Invisalign?

Have you heard of “orthodontic relapse?” This is the phenomenon where your teeth begin to move out of their perfectly aligned positions following your orthodontic treatment. To prevent this from happening, a custom retainer will be made, which you will need to wear each evening while you sleep.

About the Practice

Our team at Salvaggio Dentistry doesn’t just offer smile-enhancing services; we offer customized, convenient, and compassionate care! In fact, our multilingual dental team in Brampton is available in the evenings (and on Saturdays), welcomes multiple financial options, and provides a wide range of services in-house, including Invisalign. If you are interested in learning more about this popular orthodontic treatment, then take the next step: schedule a consultation with us via our website or by phone at (289) 569-0721.