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4 Essential Dental Hygiene Tips For Seniors

August 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — salvaggiodentistry @ 6:23 pm

Preserving our pearly whites typically becomes increasingly important the older we get. If youmature man practicing dental hygiene tips in Brampton’re a senior, you may be more vulnerable to issues like root decay, dry mouth, and tooth loss. For this reason, you’ll want to practice certain preventive measures to protect your oral health. Read on to learn four dental hygiene tips to help you maintain your pearly whites during your golden years!

Tip #1: Check Your Sugar Consumption

Whether you tend to enjoy a morning cup of joe or chocolatey delights, many of the tastiest treats in life are high in sugar content. Once this ingredient comes into contact with your teeth, it will provide the natural bacteria in your mouth with fuel to feed on your enamel. If left unchecked, your smile can weaken, increasing the risk of cavities and decay. To avoid this over the years, you’ll want to moderate how often you consume sugary treats.

Tip #2: Stick to Brushing & Flossing Daily

If you want to keep your pearly whites in good condition for the long run, then you’ll need to stick to a proper cleaning routine every day. This will typically involve brushing for two minutes twice daily, which can effectively remove debris and food particles from the majority of your smile. You’ll want to include flossing at least once a day, as the strand will be able to remove plaque and bacteria from the hard-to-reach areas between your teeth. Be sure to rinse with mouthwash frequently and clean your tongue to keep your smile and breath fresh!

Tip #3: Keep Clear of Poor Oral Habits

It can sometimes seem tempting to use your teeth to open packages, bite your fingernails, or even hold grocery bags. However, one wrong bite can easily become a dental emergency, which can be costly in the long run. Additionally, bad oral habits like smoking tobacco can increase your chances of experiencing more serious health issues like gum disease, heart disease, and throat cancer. By avoiding these behaviors, you can improve your dental and overall well-being.

Tip #4: Schedule Regular Dental Appointments

Even if you regularly clean your teeth every day at home, your care won’t be complete without routine visits to your dentist. During your checkups, they’ll examine your mouth and provide any necessary treatments for developing issues they may detect. This will help preserve your smile as well as address early signs of serious conditions like oral cancer. Your dentist will also thoroughly polish your teeth before you leave, effectively removing debris and stubborn plaque from your pearly whites.

Regardless of your age, you should have the ability to eat comfortably, speak clearly, and smile confidently. By practicing these few tips, you can be sure to make the most of your smile for years to come!

About the Author

Dr. Joseph Salvaggio earned his dental doctorate from the University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. He also regularly pursues continuing education to expand his expertise and techniques. He provides multiple comprehensive services, including dental checkups/cleanings, periodontal therapy, and at-home hygiene products. If you’d like to schedule an appointment today, visit his website or call him at +1 289-569-0721.