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How to Avoid Red Wine Tooth Stains Over the Holidays

November 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — salvaggiodentistry @ 11:59 pm

Like many, you may enjoy red wine over the winter holidays. The drink is almost a mainstay of end-of-year parties, family gatherings, and New Year festivities. Still, you’ll want to be careful with it. Too much of this fine beverage can lead to red wine tooth stains. From there, your holiday grin won’t look great to friends or family. Luckily, your Brampton dentist can help you out. Here are three ways to keep red wine from staining your smile this holiday season.


How Does Red Wine Stain Teeth?

Indeed, red wine can discolor your teeth. It often causes extrinsic stains from its colored compounds.


In particular, red wine presents three cosmetic threats to your smile. The first are anthocyanins – grape pigments that give red wine its purplish color. Next are the tannins, which bind the dye to your teeth. Lastly, red wine’s acidity makes enamel porous enough for stains to stick.


With these three elements, red wine could lead to a darkened smile. The latter wouldn’t make for good holiday photos.


Bright Smile Tips for the Holidays

Of course, you can keep your smile bright while still enjoying your wine. All it takes are a few good oral practices. In particular, remember to follow these three crucial tips:


Brush & Floss Beforehand

Stains cling to the plaque on teeth, so brushing and flossing before wine is a fine choice. Doing so will deprive the drink of a stainable surface. From there, you’ll greatly reduce the risk of wine-related tooth stains.


In contrast, make sure you don’t brush right after drinking. The action would spread wine residue across your smile. As a result, more stains would get etched into your grin.


Rinse with Water Afterward

To keep wine from lingering on your teeth, rinse with water afterward. The liquid is neither basic nor acidic. Therefore, it’ll reduce the wine’s acidity and wash out the remnants.


Of course, a water rinse also has other perks. The habit also stimulates saliva flow, ensuring your mouth isn’t dry from your wine. (The alcohol in wine often causes dry mouth.)


Use Whitening Toothpaste

For added security, you could always try whitening toothpaste. Brushing with it removes surface stains that naturally occur on your teeth.


As for specific brands of whitening toothpaste, consult your dentist. Some store-bought kinds could put your teeth at risk. Meanwhile, a dentist can suggest safe types for your tooth enamel.


To prevent red wine tooth stains, just remember the tips above. Your smile will then stay nice and bright for the holiday season!


About the Practice

Salvaggio Dentistry is based in Brampton, ON. Led by five outstanding dentists, our practice strives to give each patient a long-lasting dream smile. We thus offer preventive, cosmetic, and restorative services, as well as emergency dental care. At the same time, our team can provide therapy for patients affected by sleep apnea. For more details or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (289)-569-0721.