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Learn How To Choose The Right Mouthwash For Your Mouth

September 10, 2019

Filed under: Dentistry — Tags: , , , , — salvaggiodentistry @ 5:58 pm
choosing mouthwash brampton dentist

CDA approved 

One of the most important aspects when choosing the a suitable a mouthwash is to make sure it has the seal of approval from the CDA (Canadian Dental Association.) This seal of approval means that the mouthwash contains active working ingredients and can help to improve your gum and oral health. Mouthwash can help reduce gum inflammation, bleeding, and overall bacteria count in your mouth. 

Addition of Fluoride 

If you are a particularly cavity-prone person, you may benefit from the addition of fluoride in your mouthwash. Fluoride is an ingredient that helps strengthen the enamel of your teeth, preventing cavities. It is recommended to use fluoride mouthwash once a day for at least 30 seconds. Ensure that you do not to rinse your mouth with water after or dilute the mouthwash. 

Alcohol or Alcohol-Free?

Alcohol is an additive in many types of mouthwash that can cause dryness in the mouth. Saliva is an essential factor in cleansing your mouth to reduce bacterial build-up. For some patients, using mouthwash that contains alcohol can sometimes reduce salivary flow. If you notice a dry mouth or tartar build-up on your teeth, try switching to a non-alcohol mouthwash. 

Whitening Mouthwash 

There are several types of whitening mouthwash available which include whitening agents such as hydrogen peroxide in low doses, that help to lighten the shade of your teeth. The whitening agent acts by travelling through the microscopic channels in your teeth into the underlying tooth structure. Sometimes these mouthwashes can make your teeth sensitive, so be sure to use toothpaste designed to help with sensitivity. 

Mouthwash Tips 

  • Use mouthwash at least once daily and swish it around your mouth for at least 30 secondsto allow it to access all the areas in your mouth
  • Avoid diluting your mouthwash with water
  • Mouthwash comes in a variety of flavours, choose the flavour that works best for you or your child

If you have any questions about which mouthwash will work best for you, we encourage you to contact us today to schedule an appointment.