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We are proud to announce that we now offer in house Orthodontics!

Learn How to Prevent Tooth Sensitivity

September 23, 2020

Avoid Aggressive Brushing

sensitive teeth treatment brampton dentist

Aggressive brushing can cause tooth sensitivity for two reasons. First, aggressive brushing can lead to gum recession, which exposes the root of the tooth. The root lacks enamel, which helps to protect the nerve of the tooth, so external stimuli such as cold water can cause sensitivity within the nerve. Secondly, aggressive brushing can wear away the enamel’s outer layers, which can also lead to tooth sensitivity. Ensure that you use either a super soft or soft manual toothbrush, or an electric toothbrush with a pressure indicator, to prevent brushing too hard.  

Use Sensitivity Toothpaste 

Using a sensitivity toothpaste will help reduce and even eliminate current tooth sensitivity. Sensitivity toothpaste works by blocking the microscopic tubules in the enamel that lead to the tooth’s nerve. Sensitivity toothpaste works for immediate as well as long-term sensitivity relief. Make sure to use it each time you brush and not to rinse your mouth with water after brushing. 

Get a Check-up for Cavities 

Sometimes the culprit for tooth sensitivity may be cavities, chips or wear spots on the teeth. It is vital to visit your dentist and dental hygienist routinely to have the health of your teeth checked. Routinely visiting your dentist for check-ups, potential cavities will be caught early, so less healthy tooth structure will be lost. 

Avoid Excessive Acidic/Sugar Consumption 

Excess sugar and acidic food consumption can lead to sensitive teeth. Acidic foods can range from citric fruits to sodas. These foods can wear away the enamel and penetrate into the tiny tubules in the enamel, leading to tooth sensitivity. 

Avoid Excessive Whitening 

Whitening your teeth can cause short-term tooth sensitivity that goes away with time, but it is perfectly fine and does not damage your teeth. Whitening your teeth more frequently than the recommended amount, or using various whitening products simultaneously, can lead to tooth damage and permanent sensitivity. Make sure to always talk to your dentist or dental hygienist before beginning a whitening treatment, and always follow the instructions. 

If you have any questions about tooth sensitivity or ways to prevent it, we encourage you to contact us today to schedule an appointment