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Treatment Of Peg-Shaped Teeth

November 12, 2018

Filed under: Dentistry — Tags: , , — salvaggiodentistry @ 10:30 am

Dentist speaking to patientPeg-shaped teeth are teeth that are small in comparison to nearby teeth. Microdontia is the term used to describe teeth that are smaller than usual. Peg-shaped teeth are a form of microdontia. The tooth located between the canine tooth and the front tooth is called a lateral tooth. Lateral teeth and third molar teeth are commonly affected by microdontia. The term peg-shaped laterals are used to describe microdontia of lateral teeth. It is estimated that approximately 2% of the population has microdontia.

Treatment of Peg-Shaped Teeth

There are a few dental treatment options for peg-shaped lateral teeth. Your dentist will consider your bite, the position of your teeth, cavities risk along with other factors before deciding on a treatment that is best suited for your mouth. Common treatment options include:

Porcelain Veneers

Dental veneers, also referred to as porcelain veneers are a thin shell of tooth-coloured dental material that is custom-made to fit over the front of your teeth. Veneers are made to match the size, shape and colour of nearby teeth for a natural and seamless look. Veneers are used to fit over the front of peg-shaped teeth to improve their appearance to match neighboring teeth. Dental veneers are great for the front teeth which exert less force when eating.

Dental Bonding

This type of treatment involves the use of tooth coloured dental material to be applied around the peg-shaped tooth to widen and change the overall shape of the tooth. While dental bonding can produce great looking results, this option is not as strong when it comes to handling heavy forces of chewing and eating.

Dental Crowns

Crowns are a great option to consider when fixing peg-shaped teeth. Dental crowns fit over the top of an existing peg-shaped tooth and cover the tooth entirely. A dental crown can be used on both front teeth and back teeth because they allow for the high forces exerted during chewing and eating.

Dental Considerations

If you are considering treatment for your peg-shaped teeth, contact us for a free consultation.

About Dr. Joseph Salvaggio

Dr. Salvaggio

Located in Brampton, Ontario Dr. Joseph Salvaggio has been practicing general, cosmetic, and implant dentistry for over 20 years. He enjoys interacting with his patients and helping to restore their oral health for better overall health as well. Meeting new patients, interacting and educating them is one of Dr. Salvaggio’s biggest joys. We encourage you to read our reviews or call us with any dental questions you have. We look forward to speaking with you and meeting you soon.