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4 Signs That You Need to Have Your Veneers Replaced

May 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — salvaggiodentistry @ 12:54 pm

Render of tooth with a veneer placed on itVeneers can last for many years – sometimes as long as two decades depending on the care they receive. Nevertheless, you will likely need to have them replaced at some point. But how will you be able to tell when this is necessary? The answer is simple: you just need to keep an eye out for these 4 warning signs of a veneer that is approaching the end of its lifespan.

1. A Darkened Color

Does your veneer seem to be getting darker? In many cases, it’s not the veneer that’s changing; it’s the cement that’s keeping it attached to the tooth. There’s no way to make the cement return to its original color. The only way to correct the issue is to have it removed from the tooth entirely so that new cement can be applied.

2. Noticeable Stains

Veneers made out of porcelain won’t stain as easily as your natural teeth – but the operative phrase here is “as easily.” Years of exposure to darkly pigmented beverages such as coffee can eventually cause your veneers to become stained. Unfortunately, teeth whitening doesn’t have any effect on veneers, so if they become discolored, the only available solution is to get new ones.

3. Visible Damage

Trying to bite down on hard foods like peppermints could cause your veneers to become chipped or cracked. But even if you take good care of them, they can still become worn down over time. Look in the mirror and check your veneers for signs of wear and tear. If there’s any noticeable damage, it’s time to give your dentist a call.

4. Signs of Tooth Decay

A veneer covers the front side of a given tooth, but it can’t eliminate the possibility of decay. If the tooth in question develops a cavity, it might become weakened to the point where it can’t support the veneer anymore. Get in touch with your dentist immediately if you suspect you have a cavity. Chances are they’ll need to remove your veneer to treat the problem; you may be able to get a new one placed once the tooth is healthy again.

While veneers can last for many years, you should always be mindful of the warning signs listed above. The sooner you can have new veneers placed, the sooner you can get back to enjoying the benefits of a dazzling smile.

About the Practice

At Salvaggio Dentistry, our multilingual team is fully aware that every patient has unique dental needs to consider. From restorative care to cosmetic corrections, we provide a comprehensive range of quality dental services. With veneers, we can help you transform your smile in a variety of ways. To schedule a consultation at our practice in Brampton, visit our website or call (289) 569-0721.