One common cause of a sunken face is getting older or ageing. One reason that the face takes on a sunken look is due to loss of bone in the mouth. When the bone in the jaw is lost or when it shrinks, it creates a sunken look. Keeping that in mind, it is easy to understand how one or more missing teeth will also produce the same results. In health, the skin on your face rests over the teeth and gums. However, when teeth are missing in the mouth, the skin sinks.
The simplest way to treat a face with a sunken look is to restore the lost or damaged bone in the mouth, along with the missing tooth or teeth.
Bone grafting is a specialized dental procedure that adds bone to the mouth where it was previously lost. The new bone to be added may be taken from another part of your body and placed in the mouth. The bone may also be taken from a similar organism genetically or a different organism. A synthetic material that is biocompatible with your body may also be used. Learn more about bone grafting here.
Once the lost bone is replaced, the next step is to replace the missing tooth that previously occupied that space. If a missing tooth is replaced quickly, the process of losing bone in the mouth will stop depending on the tooth replacement option chosen. Replacing missing teeth with a dental implant is the best way to prevent and halt bone loss in the mouth. A dental implant is also the best tooth replacement option available. Learn more about dental implants and the many benefits they provide. The use of a dental bridge is another common tooth replacement option. However, it does not stop bone loss in the mouth.
look is due to loss of bone in the mouth. When the bone in the jaw is lost or when it shrinks, it creates a sunken look. Keeping that in mind, it is easy to understand how one or more missing teeth will also produce the same results. In health, the skin on your face rests over the teeth and gums. However, when teeth are missing in the mouth, the skin sinks.