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What You Should Know About Nursing Your Baby

February 21, 2023

breastfeeding affect baby teeth brampton dentist

Every baby will require nursing or formula feeding with a bottle during the first years. Whether nursing or formula feeding, there are potential oral health implications for your baby if adequate oral care is not maintained. Your baby will get their first teeth around the age of five to ten months. Be on the lookout for teething symptoms and bumps in the gums, usually lower front. Your baby will continue teething until around the age of 2 and a half years old, when a complete set of 20 teeth should have erupted. If not cared for, breast milk and formula can cause cavities or dental decay on teeth.



How to Keep Baby Teeth Healthy

March 3, 2022

Filed under: Brampton Dentist — Tags: , , , , , — salvaggiodentistry @ 5:14 pm

Brushing and Flossing

how to keep milk teeth baby healthy

Brushing and flossing are essential in keeping your child’s teeth healthy and cavity-free. Begin brushing at the sign of the first baby tooth and continue helping until your child is around the age of 8 to reduce the risk of cavities. Flossing should begin around the age of 4 when the molar contacts close in, and cavities are possible between the back teeth.

Fluoride/ Xylitol 

Both fluoride and xylitol help reduce the risk of cavities, but for different reasons. Fluoride helps by strengthening the enamel (the outer structure of the teeth) to prevent the penetration of acids and bacteria. Xylitol helps by altering the bacteria in the mouth, changing it from the type that causes cavities to the kind that doesn’t cause cavities. Fluoride can be found in toothpaste, mouthwash and tap water in most municipalities, and xylitol can be found in mints, candies and gum. 


How to Keep Baby Teeth Healthy

July 5, 2021

Did you know that baby teeth are essential for many reasons, including health, function and aesthetics? It is important to help keep your child’s baby teeth healthy and cavity-free. Baby teeth lost premature, either to cavities, infection or trauma, can lead to problems with the positioning and health of the future adult teeth. 

Importance of Baby Teeth 

– Help with talking, chewing, smiling, speaking and confidence 

– Are used by the future adult teeth as placeholders, meaning the adult teeth use the roots of the baby teeth to guide them into the correct position 

– Prevent shifting of adjacent and opposing teeth, meaning if a baby tooth is lost premature, the surrounding teeth can shift and affect the bite 


3 Reasons Baby Teeth are Important

September 2, 2020

Baby teeth, which are also called primary teeth, are the first set of teeth to erupt in infancy. Baby teeth are temporary, meaning that they fall out and get replaced with adult teeth in childhood. A complete set of baby teeth consists of 20 teeth, including incisors, canines and molars. The eruption typically begins at 6-10 months old and will be finished by 2½-3 years old. Baby teeth fall out when the adult teeth growing from underneath resorb the baby teeth’ roots and therefore become loose. The first baby teeth that typically fall out are the lower two front teeth, followed by the upper two front teeth. During the teething process, there may be some soreness in the gums. A damp gauze or teething ring can be used to gently soothe the area.


Tips to Keep Your Child’s Teeth Healthy

January 20, 2020

Reduce/Eliminate a Soother and Thumb Sucking Habit 

Both a soother and finger or thumb sucking both cause suction and put pressure on the jaw, which is fragile while still growing. These habits can both cause the palate to rise and the upper jaw to become narrow, causing issues with the bite and the way the teeth close together. Often these habits at an early age can lead to the need for braces later on. Try to remove the soother around two years old and stop the finger/thumb sucking habit as soon as you notice it. 


Learn How To Protect Baby Teeth From Cavities

November 25, 2019

Filed under: Dentistry — Tags: , , , , , , , , — salvaggiodentistry @ 8:00 pm

Even before baby teeth begin to erupt, around the age of 6-10 months when the first baby tooth comes through, it is essential to start a regular oral hygiene regimen with your baby at home. It is recommended to use a damp cloth or piece of gauze to wipe your baby’s gums after bottles and before bed to remove sugars from the milk. As soon as the first baby tooth erupts, you can begin using a small toothbrush and non-fluoridated toothpaste to brush. The baby teeth will erupt between the age of 6-10 months until around 25-33 months. Baby teeth may be susceptible to cavities as soon as they break through the gum tissue into the mouth, so it is vital to have a good oral hygiene regimen. 


How To Prevent Cavitites In Baby Teeth

October 21, 2019

Filed under: Dentistry — Tags: , , , , — salvaggiodentistry @ 4:12 pm

Brushing After Breastfeeding & Bottle 

Milk contains natural sugars in the form of lactose, which can cause cavities. Therefore, it is essential to brush your baby/child’s teeth after breastfeeding and bottles. The sugars from the milk can sit on their teeth if their teeth are not being brushed, and cause cavities. Often, cavities will appear on the upper front teeth because this is where the milk passes through and tends to pool. It is essential to brush after breastfeeding and after giving your child bottles of milk. 


What To Expect When During Your Child’s Teething

September 24, 2019

Filed under: Dentistry — Tags: , , , , , , — salvaggiodentistry @ 3:02 pm

When Will My Baby’s Teeth Come In?

On average, the first tooth to erupt, or come into the mouth is one of the lower front teeth. This usually occurs around 6 to 8 months of age. Just like other milestones, a child’s teeth can develop at different rates. Some can be much earlier than six months, and some may not get teeth until they are close to their first birthday. Slower teething can be
a benefit in some ways. Once teeth erupt, they are exposed to foods that can increase the risk of cavities. Generally, children who experience teething early have a higher risk of cavities. Be sure to properly clean your baby’s teeth once they erupt in the mouth.


How to Care for Baby Teeth

July 12, 2019

Filed under: Dentistry — Tags: , , , , , — salvaggiodentistry @ 1:53 pm

Brushing and Flossing

how to care for baby teeth

Brushing, flossing and sometimes even mouth washing are all crucial factors involved in an adequate at-home oral hygiene regimen. Brushing and flossing help to reduce bacterial build up on the teeth and gums, which reduces susceptibility to cavities and gum inflammation. It is recommended to brush at least twice a day and to floss at least once a day. Make sure to help your child brush and floss their teeth until around the age of 8. Begin using fluoridated toothpaste around the age of 3 (about the size of a grain of rice.) If your child is particularly cavity prone, try incorporating a daily fluoride mouthwash to help prevent further cavities.


How to Prevent Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

June 11, 2019

Filed under: Dentistry — Tags: , , , , — salvaggiodentistry @ 5:00 pm

Tooth decay occurs from sugar being exposed to the teeth, or being stuck to the tooth or around teeth. Bottles that contain anything but water have the potential to cause decay in baby teeth. The most commonly affected teeth from bottles are the upper front teeth, but sometimes it can also affect the lower front teeth and the back teeth. It can be challenging to see when cavities begin forming, but when they are more advanced, the teeth start turning brown and chipping.

Avoid Doing These Things

  • Dipping pacifiers in anything containing sugar (syrup, honey, juice)
  • Putting juice or sugar water into a bottle
  • Putting your baby to bed with a bottle containing anything but water (even milk has natural sugars that can cause cavities)
  • Not wiping/brushing your baby’s teeth after a bottle of milk
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