Similar to a traditional dental bridge, an implant-supported bridge looks the same. However, the benefits of an implant-supported bridge far exceed that of the conventional dental bridge. Natural teeth support a traditional dental bridge. However, an implant-supported bridge is supported by dental implants.
What Is An Implant-Supported Bridge?
December 4, 2018
What Is A Dental Bridge?
August 29, 2016
A dental bridge is also referred to as a fixed bridge or fixed dental prosthesis. A dental bridge is used to replace missing teeth. It can be used to replace one missing tooth or many missing teeth. A bridge is made of two crowns, with at least one artificial tooth in between the two crowns. A dental bridge with two crowns and one artificial tooth, is referred to as a three unit bridge. The artificial tooth fills in the empty space or gap that was left by the missing tooth. A dental bridge is cemented permanently and cannot be removed.