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What You Should Know About Nursing Your Baby

February 21, 2023

breastfeeding affect baby teeth brampton dentist

Every baby will require nursing or formula feeding with a bottle during the first years. Whether nursing or formula feeding, there are potential oral health implications for your baby if adequate oral care is not maintained. Your baby will get their first teeth around the age of five to ten months. Be on the lookout for teething symptoms and bumps in the gums, usually lower front. Your baby will continue teething until around the age of 2 and a half years old, when a complete set of 20 teeth should have erupted. If not cared for, breast milk and formula can cause cavities or dental decay on teeth.



How to Keep Baby Teeth Healthy

March 3, 2022

Filed under: Brampton Dentist — Tags: , , , , , — salvaggiodentistry @ 5:14 pm

Brushing and Flossing

how to keep milk teeth baby healthy

Brushing and flossing are essential in keeping your child’s teeth healthy and cavity-free. Begin brushing at the sign of the first baby tooth and continue helping until your child is around the age of 8 to reduce the risk of cavities. Flossing should begin around the age of 4 when the molar contacts close in, and cavities are possible between the back teeth.

Fluoride/ Xylitol 

Both fluoride and xylitol help reduce the risk of cavities, but for different reasons. Fluoride helps by strengthening the enamel (the outer structure of the teeth) to prevent the penetration of acids and bacteria. Xylitol helps by altering the bacteria in the mouth, changing it from the type that causes cavities to the kind that doesn’t cause cavities. Fluoride can be found in toothpaste, mouthwash and tap water in most municipalities, and xylitol can be found in mints, candies and gum. 


Tips For Helping Your Teething Baby

February 26, 2021

When new teeth are erupting in your baby’s mouth, they can feel pain, discomfort and even flu-like symptoms. Teething can occur when any or all of your baby’s teeth erupt through the gums. The first baby teeth to erupt are the lower front teeth, around 5-10 months old, and the last will be the back molars around 2 ½ years old. The symptoms your baby is experiencing during teething are due to a small immune response in their body, which is why your baby might also experience a mild fever. 


The Importance Of Baby Teeth

January 29, 2018

Filed under: Dentistry — Tags: , , , — salvaggiodentistry @ 1:32 pm

child showing teethBaby teeth are also referred to as primary teeth by dental professionals. For most babies, the baby teeth begin to come in or erupt into the mouth at around six years of age. A total of twenty primary teeth are present in the mouth by thirty-three months of age. The eruption times may vary by a few months, but that is still considered within normal limits. Shedding of primary teeth begins around the ages of six or seven years old. For most people, all of their baby teeth will have completely shed by age twelve.
