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We are proud to announce that we now offer in house Orthodontics!

Learn About Dental Fluorosis

June 16, 2020

What Is It?

White marks on teeth due to dental fluorosis

Dental fluorosis is damage to the teeth caused by the consumption of too much fluoride while the teeth are forming. Fluorosis most commonly affects the adult teeth because they form at the pivotal time when a child begins using a fluoridated toothpaste for the first eight years of life. Once the teeth are formed and erupt into the mouth, they are no longer susceptible to fluorosis. 


The Importance of Brushing and Flossing Before Bed

March 16, 2020

woman flossing her teeth before bed brampton dentist

We all know that we brush and floss our teeth to remove plaque, keep our gums healthy and prevent cavities, but do we really know what plaque is? 

What is Dental Plaque? 
