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Tips To Consider When Caring For Baby Teeth

November 1, 2021

Help To Brush/ Floss 

tips for caring for baby teeth brampton dentist

It is essential to help your child brush and floss their teeth until around the age of 8. This is so that you can help them reduce their susceptibility to cavities and keep their gums healthy. Children under eight typically lack the skill and understanding to brush and floss their teeth well and require some form of assistance, whether that be in the form of completing it for them or monitoring them while they do it themselves. Start brushing your child’s teeth at the first sign of teeth, around 6-10 months old. Flossing should begin when there is contact between any two teeth.

Use Fluoride Toothpaste/ Mouthwash 

Start using fluoridated toothpaste around the age of three years old, and use an amount around the tip of a pen on the toothbrush. Fluoride helps to prevent cavities from occurring by strengthening the enamel of the teeth. You can also add in a fluoride mouthwash around the age of 5 or 6 when they can competently spit out. 

Reduce Sugar Intake

Sugar is the leading cause of cavities. Sugar turns into acids in the mouth that attack the outer surface of the teeth called the enamel. It is vital to reduce your child’s sugar intake and make sure they brush and floss their teeth after a sugary treat. The types of sugars that are particularly cavity-causing are sticky, chewy or gummy and will get stuck in their teeth. These types of candies extend the exposure time to sugar and can be a higher risk for cavities. 

Drink Tap Water 

Tap water contains fluoride in some regions and helps reduce the risk of cavities, particularly for baby teeth. When added to municipal water, fluoride is in a very low dose that is healthy to be ingested. 

Regular Dental Visits 

Lastly, make sure to bring your child in to see their dentist and dental hygienist regularly for check-ups and cleanings to help keep their teeth and gums healthy. At their regular visits, the health of their teeth and gums will be assessed, their teeth will be cleaned and polished, fluoride will be administered, and potential x-rays will be taken. 

If you have any questions about caring for baby teeth, we encourage you to contact us today to schedule an appointment