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Why Are Different Types of Digital Radiographs Needed?

June 14, 2016

Filed under: Dentistry — Tags: , , , — salvaggiodentistry @ 2:54 pm

older dental patientLearn why different types of digital radiographs are needed for different uses. Have you ever wondered why your dentist asks for dental x-rays? Have you noticed that sometimes they take a few x-rays and at other times, more than a few? Radiographs, also known as x-rays are necessary for dentistry, to help accurately diagnose and treat dental issues. Up to one-third of your tooth structure is located underneath the gums. Often, dental problems such as an abscess can only be verified by an x-ray in the early stages.

Different types of digital radiographs are also needed to monitor dental health over time. Many patients who smoke tobacco products will experience accelerated rates of bone loss in the mouth. When bone is lost in the mouth, teeth can become very loose over time and will eventually be lost, due to severe bone loss. By having regular dental radiographs taken, it allows your dental health care professional to monitor your bone levels and suggest treatment options to stop further bone loss and rebuild lost bone. The type of x-ray pictured above is referred to as a periapical x-ray and is used to diagnose dental decay, dental abscesses, bone levels and more.

Radiographs that are referred to as bitewings are used by your dentist to diagnose cavities between teeth. These x-rays allow the dentist to have a detailed look at the upper portion of the tooth. Many cavities form at the upper portion of the tooth, where two teeth make contact with each other. It is common to find dental decay in these areas if food debris is not removed through regular flossing. While these radiographs are great for details of the upper portion of the teeth, they are not as useful as periapical radiographs are, for detecting and monitoring bone loss.

Another type of digital radiograph that is used in a dental office is called a panorex image. This type of image helps to give your dentist an overall view of your teeth and their relation to each other and other landmarks in the mouth and head. These types of x-rays are particularly useful to determine the eruption timeline or the position of wisdom teeth. Some patients may be born without wisdom teeth, and some may have wisdom teeth that never make it past the gums. These types of x-rays can help your dentist to determine if any treatment, such as wisdom teeth extraction, will be necessary.

Many patients worry about or fear getting x-rays or radiographs taken during their dental visits. While much of this concern may have been a cause for worry in the past, modern x-rays produce far less radiation than before, up to 90% less radiation in some cases. With advancements in modern digital radiographs, the amount of radiation that patients are exposed to when having digital x-rays is much less than ever before. We also follow the ALARA principle, which aims to reduce patient radiation to As Low as Reasonably Achievable.

About Dr. Joseph Salvaggio

Dr. Salvaggio

Located in Brampton, Ontario Dr. Joseph Salvaggio has been practicing general, cosmetic, and implant dentistry for over 20 years. He enjoys interacting with his patients and helping to restore their oral health for better overall health as well. Meeting new patients, interacting and educating them is one of Dr. Salvaggio’s biggest joys. We encourage you to read our reviews or call us with any dental questions you have. We look forward to speaking with you and meeting you soon.