When Will My Baby’s Teeth Come In?

On average, the first tooth to erupt, or come into the mouth is one of the lower front teeth. This usually occurs around 6 to 8 months of age. Just like other milestones, a child’s teeth can develop at different rates. Some can be much earlier than six months, and some may not get teeth until they are close to their first birthday. Slower teething can be
a benefit in some ways. Once teeth erupt, they are exposed to foods that can increase the risk of cavities. Generally, children who experience teething early have a higher risk of cavities. Be sure to properly clean your baby’s teeth once they erupt in the mouth.
How Many Teeth Will My Baby Get?
A complete set of baby teeth or primary teeth consists of 20 teeth, which consist of eight molar teeth, four canine teeth and eight front teeth. The teething process is usually spread out from 6 months to 2½ years old. Some children teethe slowly, with one tooth erupting at a time and having stretches in between other teeth erupting. Others may experience several teeth erupting in a short time.
How Can I Relieve My Child’s Teething Pain?
To help make your child more comfortable, you can provide cold items for them to chew on. A cold washcloth is a simple, cheap and easy solution. As well, there are many teething toys on the market. Ensure that there is nothing small that can break off and become a choking hazard. Many children find comfort chewing on soft toothbrushes at this time. It is helpful to train your baby with having a toothbrush in their mouths in preparation for when teeth erupt. Be sure to supervise your child with the toothbrush to prevent choking or gagging. Cold, high water content fruits can also provide fast relief. Possible choices include watermelon, cantaloupe and strawberries.

Can I Give My Child Medication To Help With Teething Pain?
Yes, at proper doses and with your doctor’s permission, an alternating schedule of Tylenol and Advil can aid in teething pain. It is best to save these for bedtime to aid in sleeping when your child is unable to self-soothe. Many children can get through teething without medication, but for others, this can be a very uncomfortable and painful stage. Always be sure to check with your doctor before introducing any medications.
Is There Anything I Should Avoid During The Teething Period?
Do not give your child topical anesthetic gel to ease the pain. Children end up swallowing most of it, and it can numb the throat. This can make it difficult to swallow. With luck, your child may pass through the teething stage, mostly unaffected. However, if it does prove to be a stressful time, hopefully, these tips can provide some relief for
them, as well as yourself.