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Salvaggio Dentistry Blog

What is Keto Breath and How to Get Rid of It?

April 5, 2021

A keto diet (which stands for a ketogenic diet) is when a person significantly reduces their carbohydrate intake. Most of the calories consumed in a ketogenic diet are from fats and proteins. A ketogenic diet’s goal is to enter into a state of ketosis, where the body burns stored fats for energy use instead of glucose, which leads to a build-up of acids in the body. 


I Chipped My Tooth! What Should I Do?

March 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — salvaggiodentistry @ 5:10 pm
Broken tooth

Dental emergencies can be scary, and they never seem to happen at a convenient time. Unfortunately, this is still something that many of us experience over our lifetime. You can chip your tooth by a variety of different means. Whether you chomped down on something a little too hard or took and elbow to the face when playing a contact sport, you could end up with a dental injury. Fortunately, you won’t be left with a broken tooth for the rest of your life. Continue reading to learn more about chipped teeth and what you should do if it happens to you.


What to Do in the Case of a Broken/Dislocated Jaw

March 25, 2021

A broken jaw refers to a jaw with a fracture in the bone, usually in the lower jaw, called the mandible. A dislocated jaw is when the lower jaw comes out of place at the joint. Learn the causes, diagnosis and treatment for both broken and dislocated jaws. 


When Are Antibiotics Needed for Tooth Infections?

March 18, 2021


A tooth infection is when bacteria enter the nerve and blood supply in the inner part of a tooth, infecting the tooth and causing an abscess. An abscess is a pocket of pus at the base of the root caused by bacteria accumulation. A tooth infection typically causes pain, swelling and tenderness in the area and requires treatment. If not treated, the infection will grow and potentially cause serious effects such as the jaw and even the brain. Tooth infections occur due to untreated cavities, old restorative work and trauma. It is essential to see your dentist immediately when you think you may have a tooth infection, and your dentist will likely recommend an antibiotic. The type of antibiotic recommended depends on the type of bacteria and the type of infection. 


Learn Why Your Child May Need a Silver Crown

March 9, 2021

Dental crowns are used to cover teeth with large cavities that fillings can’t repair. Dental crowns act as a protective covering over the tooth, preventing chips, fractures, breakage and future decay. Often if a child has a large cavity on a baby tooth, a silver crown will be required to fix it to save the tooth. 


Why You Need To Brush Your Teeth Before Bed

March 2, 2021

Filed under: Brampton Dentist — Tags: , , , , — salvaggiodentistry @ 3:16 pm

We all know the recommendation, brushing at least twice a day and always before bed. But do we all know why the essential toothbrushing time of the day is the one before bed? In this article, we will explore why brushing before bed is a must and the consequences of neglecting that nighttime brush.  


Tips For Helping Your Teething Baby

February 26, 2021

When new teeth are erupting in your baby’s mouth, they can feel pain, discomfort and even flu-like symptoms. Teething can occur when any or all of your baby’s teeth erupt through the gums. The first baby teeth to erupt are the lower front teeth, around 5-10 months old, and the last will be the back molars around 2 ½ years old. The symptoms your baby is experiencing during teething are due to a small immune response in their body, which is why your baby might also experience a mild fever. 


Learn About Guided Tissue and Bone Regeneration

February 18, 2021

Guided tissue regeneration is a procedure that utilizes barrier membranes to help grow back the gum and bone tissue in areas where it has become insufficient. Tissue and bone regeneration can improve the dignity, function, and appearance of healthy gum and bone support around teeth, restoring the bone height and attachments to adequate levels. Guided tissue and bone regeneration help to extend the lifespan of a tooth.


Foods To Eat & Avoid For Tooth Health

February 11, 2021

A large factor in the risk for cavities is the foods and drinks we consume regularly. Foods and beverages can be categorized into being either good or bad for the teeth, and unfortunately, more foods are bad for the teeth than foods that are good for the teeth. This categorization is not about the nutritional value of foods concerning the body’s overall health. The most vital factor is whether the food/drink contains sugars or acids that are damaging to tooth surfaces. Let’s explore the relationship of certain types of foods and beverages on the health of the teeth. 


What Can Be Done About Tooth Sensitivity?

February 2, 2021

Many of us have experienced tooth sensitivity at one time or another. Tooth sensitivity typically occurs when external stimuli (such as cold drinks or sugary snacks) create a response in the nerve of a tooth/teeth. It creates this response by travelling through the microscopic channels that lead from the outside to the inside of the teeth. The tooth’s outside layer is called the enamel, and the inside layers are called the dentin and pulp. There are various causes why teeth may become sensitive over time. 

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