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We are proud to announce that we now offer in house Orthodontics!

Salvaggio Dentistry Blog

Can Invisalign Work For You?

January 26, 2021

Technological advancements over time have lead to a broader range of options when it comes to straightening teeth. Long gone are the days that it was train track braces or nothing. Invisalign is a form of orthodontics that utilizes a series of clear plastic aligners to straighten your teeth and adjust your bite gradually. Invisalign works by applying force through the tray on small attachments bonded to the front surfaces of your teeth. These attachments help provide slow and effective movement. Based on your individual treatment plan, attachments are made from tooth-coloured resin bonded onto specific locations of your teeth. 

The cost and the length of treatment depend significantly on the proposed treatment plan and the amount of movement that must be made. During your consultation appointment, all the important information will be discussed, as well as all of your questions answered. 

So, How is Invisalign Made?

After your consultation, you will visit your dentist/orthodontist to have your teeth and jaw impressions. A detailed, custom, digital treatment plan will be created, and a series of Invisalign trays will be fabricated at the Invisalign lab. The number of trays in your treatment plan will be based on how much movement must occur. After receiving your initial trays, you will see your dentist/ orthodontist every 4-6 weeks to receive the next tray and to assess results. You will also be instructed on how frequently to change your trays. 

What to Know Before Beginning Invisalign Treatment 

  • Invisalign trays are made of a unique material created for Invisalign to help with movement
  • Invisalign is a great option in most cases, even if you’ve already gone through braces before 
  • It is vital to wear your trays at least 20-22 hours per day to achieve the best results in the quickest time 
  • Clean your Invisalign trays with a separate toothbrush and warm water at least once a day 
  • Never use hot water on your Invisalign trays, as this can warp the material 
  • It is essential to maintain excellent oral hygiene through the course of Invisalign treatment
  • Ensure that you brush and floss before putting Invisalign trays back in 
  • Use fluoride toothpaste to help prevent cavities during the course of Invisalign treatment 

It is essential to discuss what outcome you hope to achieve with your dentist before starting your Invisalign treatment. During your consult, cost, length of treatment, and outcomes will be discussed. If you are interested in learning more about Invisalign treatment, we encourage you to contact us today to schedule an appointment. 

Tooth Cleaning Aids: How Can They Help You?

January 4, 2021

Below is a review of many different tooth cleaning aids that can be found in any standard drug store. Learn what they are used for and how they can help you take care of your teeth and gums. 


What Should You Do If Your Adult Tooth Is Loose?

December 31, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — salvaggiodentistry @ 1:34 am
Woman with wiggly tooth

You may remember being excited as a child when your teeth became wiggly, but this certainly isn’t the case as an adult. Believe it or not, loose teeth are actually one of the most common dental emergencies and can have many different causes. They include injuries, periodontal disease, and severe tooth decay. If you notice that one of your adult teeth is wiggly, it’s important that you act quickly so you don’t loose it for good! Here are some steps that you should take to resolve a loose tooth.


We’re Still Open As An Essential Service!

December 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — salvaggiodentistry @ 10:14 pm

Following the provincial lockdown announced by the provincial government that takes effect on December 26th, 2020, we want to let you know that our office will still remain open as an essential service to serve you.

Rest assured that our COVID-19 safety protocols meet or exceed the recommended infection control guidelines.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Maintain your Oral Health with These Habits

December 14, 2020

Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day 

It is vital to brush your teeth at least twice a day, in the morning and before bed. You can use a manual or an electric toothbrush. Brushing your teeth helps remove bacteria from tooth and gum surfaces that can lead to cavities and gum disease. 


Lost a Tooth In an Injury? Quick! Follow These Steps

December 7, 2020

It is imperative to know what to do if you are in an unlikely situation where you lose a tooth from trauma. The term for a tooth that is lost due to an injury is an “avulsed tooth.” When a fraction of a tooth breaks off but leaves the root inside the socket, it is called a tooth fracture. In the case of a tooth fracture, the root will likely need to be extracted or at least require a root canal. An avulsed tooth may be salvageable if you follow these steps: 


Bleeding Gums, A Cause For Concern?

November 30, 2020

You may have noticed, at one point or another, a bit of red in the sink when you spit after brushing or flossing. Bleeding gums is typically a sign of some form of inflammation or infection in your mouth that requires attention. It is important to pay a visit to your dentist for an exam and determine the bleeding cause. The most common cause of bleeding gums is gingivitis, or gum disease. 


We Are Still Open To Serve You!

November 27, 2020

Filed under: Brampton Dentist — Tags: , , — salvaggiodentistry @ 5:24 pm

Following the COVID-19 lockdown for Peel Region by the Provincial Government, we want to assure our patients that we are still open and ready to serve you as an essential service.


Benefits of Dental Implants: All You Need To Know

November 18, 2020

Dental implants are always the best option for replacing missing teeth, for function, aesthetics and longevity. Dental implants can be used in cases with one missing tooth or an entire arch of missing teeth. Advancements in the dental field in the last 20 years have created more and better options for patients who have experienced tooth loss, whether it’s due to trauma/injury, gum disease or cavities. A dental implant comprises a titanium screw inserted into the bone where the missing tooth is left to heal for several months with a temporary crown placed on top. Once the screw is integrated and fused into the bone, a permanent dental crown is placed on top to match the shape, colour and appearance of the surrounding teeth. Listed below are the benefits of dental implants:


All You Need to Know About Tooth Decay

November 9, 2020

Cavities, What Are They?

A cavity is an area of cavitation in the tooth enamel (outer tooth structure) and dentin (inner tooth structure) caused by oral bacteria and acids. When sugars are consumed, they get converted into acids in the mouth, which then attack the enamel of the teeth. The acids slowly demineralize the outer structure of the teeth and leads to cavities over time. Cavities most commonly affect the deep grooves and fissures on the biting surfaces of the molars and the in-between surfaces of the teeth, which are both problematic areas to adequately clean. It is vital to catch cavities in their earliest stages, so minimally invasive treatment can be provided. Dental x-rays are an essential tool for diagnostic purposes and are used to catch cavities early before they are visible and start causing pain. 

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