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Salvaggio Dentistry Blog

Which Emergency Dental Treatment Will My Dentist Perform?

November 3, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — salvaggiodentistry @ 12:12 am
Woman with toothache

No one ever wants to be in an emergency dental situation, but sometimes it happens to the best of us. They are stressful, scary, and often times painful. This is especially the case if you don’t know exactly what will happen when you get to the dental office. Fortunately, your dentist is here to help you better understand what you can expect when you get to the practice. Continue reading to learn about some of the most common dental emergencies and treatments.


What to Do If You Lose a Tooth in An Injury

November 2, 2020

fix knocked out tooth brampton dentist dental

If you sustain an injury to your mouth, jaw or teeth in any form, it is essential to get yourself to a dentist sooner than later. It is vital to have your mouth and teeth assessed to check for any injuries you may have sustained and to help save your teeth from future problems. There are several issues that may happen to a tooth during an injury, including concussion (bruising of the gums and ligament), luxation (displacement of the tooth either outward or inward) and avulsion (loss of the tooth.) It is essential to know what to do in the case of a lost tooth from trauma. 


Learn All About Dental Tools That Clean Your Teeth Effectively

October 26, 2020

Manual Toothbrush – Manual toothbrushes come in either super soft, soft, medium or hard, and it is recommended never to use medium or hard because they are too abrasive on your teeth and gums. Make sure to change your manual toothbrush every three or so months or when the colour starts to fade from the bristles. 


Tips for Choosing a Toothbrush

October 19, 2020

Electric Toothbrushes 

Electric toothbrushes generally come from different brands, which differ slightly. Some brands provide a circular head and use an oscillating motion, and other brands provide an oval head and use a sweeping motion or vibrational motion. There are several different toothbrushes in each brand’s roster so make sure to pick the best one for your mouth. 


Breathe Safely At Salvaggio Dentistry

October 16, 2020

Filed under: Brampton Dentist — Tags: , , , — salvaggiodentistry @ 11:30 am

The safety of our patients has always been our first priority. We have made significant investments towards installing and upgrading our current systems and safety protocols. We now exceed all of the guidelines recommended by the Dental College of Ontario.

Salvaggio Dentistry now features 7 hospital-grade HEPA filtration units along with 5 extra oral suction systems to continuously filter and reduce aerosols. A combination of these systems ELIMINATES ALL AEROSOLS.

During your dental procedures, a high-efficiency aerosol vacuum Traps And Kills Virus & Bacteria At A 99.9% Rate Using Quad Filter Technology.

During your next dental visit with us, rest assured that you can breathe safely and easily.

Learn All About Wisdom Tooth Extraction

October 1, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — salvaggiodentistry @ 8:13 pm

Your wisdom teeth are your 3rd molar teeth that erupt around 16-20 years old if they erupt at all. Often, ample room doesn’t exist in the mouth for these incoming teeth. As a result, they may need to be removed before issues arise. Impaction of wisdom teeth impaction can lead to pain, swelling, infection, shifting of other teeth and even cavities on your 2nd molar teeth. 


Learn How to Prevent Tooth Sensitivity

September 23, 2020

Avoid Aggressive Brushing

sensitive teeth treatment brampton dentist

Aggressive brushing can cause tooth sensitivity for two reasons. First, aggressive brushing can lead to gum recession, which exposes the root of the tooth. The root lacks enamel, which helps to protect the nerve of the tooth, so external stimuli such as cold water can cause sensitivity within the nerve. Secondly, aggressive brushing can wear away the enamel’s outer layers, which can also lead to tooth sensitivity. Ensure that you use either a super soft or soft manual toothbrush, or an electric toothbrush with a pressure indicator, to prevent brushing too hard.  


Good & Bad Foods For Tooth Health

September 14, 2020

Foods that are Good for Your Teeth 

Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables – Crunchy fruits and vegetables such as apples, raw carrots and celery help to clear plaque bacteria and food debris away from your teeth, which reduces the risk for cavities and keeping your gums healthy. These types of foods have a cleansing action while you are chewing them that can clear away food debris. 


Hug Safely While Maintaining Physical Distancing :)

September 9, 2020

Now you can take a selfie with Dr. Salvaggio while maintaining physical distancing. Check out these photos from our happy patients!


3 Reasons Baby Teeth are Important

September 2, 2020

Baby teeth, which are also called primary teeth, are the first set of teeth to erupt in infancy. Baby teeth are temporary, meaning that they fall out and get replaced with adult teeth in childhood. A complete set of baby teeth consists of 20 teeth, including incisors, canines and molars. The eruption typically begins at 6-10 months old and will be finished by 2½-3 years old. Baby teeth fall out when the adult teeth growing from underneath resorb the baby teeth’ roots and therefore become loose. The first baby teeth that typically fall out are the lower two front teeth, followed by the upper two front teeth. During the teething process, there may be some soreness in the gums. A damp gauze or teething ring can be used to gently soothe the area.

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