A dental crown is used to strengthen a weak tooth or to restore a tooth that is heavily damaged. A tooth with a lot of decay should not have many dental fillings because there is an increased risk of the dental fillings failing. It is best for that tooth to have a dental crown instead. A weak tooth that is prone to fracturing becomes stronger when a dental crown is placed on top. Dental crowns are also placed on top of dental implants. However, the process requires two dental visits and a temporary dental crown is placed in between the visits.
Salvaggio Dentistry Blog
Why Is A Temporary Dental Crown Needed?
May 28, 2018
Dental Braces And Clean Teeth
May 22, 2018
If you have traditional dental braces or are considering getting them, there are a few things you should know. Unlike other orthodontic treatment options such as Invisalign, metal braces cannot be removed by the wearer. This presents some small challenges when it comes to eating certain foods, and keeping your teeth clean.
What Is Gingivitis?
May 15, 2018
Gingivitis is commonly known as gum disease and affects gum tissue. Gingivitis is reversible with regular oral care. However, untreated gingivitis progresses to periodontitis. Periodontitis involves the permanent loss of gum and bone tissue in the mouth. Additionally, untreated periodontitis causes tooth loss.
Breast Cancer And Your Oral Health
May 8, 2018
The benefits of good oral health are vital for a number of reasons. Most people know common benefits such as fresh breath and healthy gums. However, a study published in the Journal of Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology gives another reason for good oral health. The study shows that women with severe gum disease are up to three times more likely to develop breast cancer.
Canker Sore Treatment
May 2, 2018
A canker sore is an ulcer that occurs in the mouth every once in a while. Also referred to as aphthous stomatitis in medical terms. It is a small ulcer that ranges from being mildly painful to very painful for some patients. Canker sores can be minor or significant in severity. Canker sores have a little yellow or white centre with a red border.
Gummy Smile Treatment
April 30, 2018
A gummy smile is referred to as excessive gingival display in dental terms. With most smiles, you can see all of the upper tooth structure or most of the tooth structure. However, with a gummy smile, there is less of the upper tooth structure showing due to an increased amount of gum tissue covering the teeth. While there are no established guidelines for what makes a smile gummy, more than three millimeters of gums showing when smiling is where most people classify a smile as being gummy. This condition is seen in women more than men, almost by double.
What Is Crown Lengthening?
April 10, 2018
Crown lengthening is a common dental procedure that aims to give the tooth an elongated appearance.
Breathe Easy With Medical Grade Clean Air
April 3, 2018
For most people, this question sounds like one that does not need to be asked. We all want to live healthier lives, and things such as clean air and water contribute to that goal. However, by asking why clean air matters, we can learn how much of an impact breathing dirty air matters to our health. Air is a requirement of the trillions of cells that comprise our body. The World Health Organization states that breathing clean air helps reduce the risk of heart disease, lung cancer, stroke, and respiratory diseases.