A missing tooth in the mouth does not just lead to an uneven smile. While most people readily replace a missing tooth to improve their smile or appearance, there are other important reasons to replace a lost tooth. If a tooth is missing due to injury or if it is naturally missing, it requires replacing. Even though many tooth replacement options exist, dental implants should be your first choice.
Salvaggio Dentistry Blog
Dental Implants – The Best Tooth Replacement Option!
May 15, 2022
The Top 5 Benefits of a Smile Makeover
April 20, 2022
Are you unhappy with your teeth? Many people wish they had a Hollywood smile they can be proud to show off. Fortunately, you can achieve this with the help of your dentist and their various cosmetic dental treatments. Read on to learn how a smile makeover can benefit you more than simply creating brighter pearly whites!
Can Alloderm Gum Grafting Benefit Your Smile?
April 11, 2022
Gum grafting (or gingival grafting) is a procedure performed to reduce or eliminate areas of gum recession by placing gum tissue overtop that will slowly heal the area. The gum tissue can be sourced in several different ways. Commonly, tissue was harvested from the roof of the mouth to be used for the recession site. This method causes an incision site on the roof of the mouth that can be painful and take time to heal. Alternatively, Alloderm gum grafting takes donor tissue that is altered in a lab to be used for the site of recession, significantly reducing pain and improving healing time.
How to Keep Baby Teeth Healthy
March 3, 2022
Brushing and Flossing
Brushing and flossing are essential in keeping your child’s teeth healthy and cavity-free. Begin brushing at the sign of the first baby tooth and continue helping until your child is around the age of 8 to reduce the risk of cavities. Flossing should begin around the age of 4 when the molar contacts close in, and cavities are possible between the back teeth.
Fluoride/ Xylitol
Both fluoride and xylitol help reduce the risk of cavities, but for different reasons. Fluoride helps by strengthening the enamel (the outer structure of the teeth) to prevent the penetration of acids and bacteria. Xylitol helps by altering the bacteria in the mouth, changing it from the type that causes cavities to the kind that doesn’t cause cavities. Fluoride can be found in toothpaste, mouthwash and tap water in most municipalities, and xylitol can be found in mints, candies and gum.
What Causes a Bad Taste in the Mouth?
February 11, 2022
You’re about to go on a night out with friends, you’ve brushed and flossed, and you even used mouthwash. So why is there still a bitter taste in your mouth? If this has been happening to you constantly, it could be a sign that you have a serious oral health issue. Read on to learn five causes for a bad taste in the mouth in Brampton and why you should see your dentist right away.
All You Need to Know About Dental X-rays
February 2, 2022
Your dentist recommends you take updated dental x-rays periodically, but do you really know what they are and how they are used to diagnose problems with your teeth and mouth? Dental x-rays are an imperative diagnostic tool to help promote and maintain good oral health. Routine (as recommended by your dentist) x-rays can help keep your teeth and bones healthy, save you money and maintain your oral health over time.
Conditions X-rays can detect:
– Smaller cavities in areas not accessible to visual inspection, such as between teeth, cavities underneath existing fillings
– Detect the level of the bone surrounding each tooth assess for any loss of bone support
– Detect any infections or abscesses at the roots of teeth
4 Factors That Affect the Cost of Dentures
January 20, 2022
Whether you’re missing multiple pearly whites or don’t have any left, dentures are an excellent way to replace them. They can help you maintain your facial shape, give you back some of your bite power, and fill in the gaps in your smile. As helpful as dentures are, how can you know how much they’re going to cost? Read on to learn about four factors that affect the cost of dentures.
Dentist Open During COVID-19 Lockdown
January 3, 2022
Following the province of Ontario’s COVID-19 modified Step 2 lockdown announcement on Monday, January 3rd, 2022, we want to remind our patients that we are still open and ready to serve you as an essential service.
Rest assured that our office meets or exceeds current COVID-19 recommended safety protocols. All of our dental treatment rooms are equipped with medical-grade HEPA air filtration systems, which eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses from the air. Our office also screens all patients and performs temperature checks before treatment is performed. All high-contact surfaces are wiped down frequently with sterilizing wipes to maintain a clean environment for our patients and team. (more…)
Learn About The 5 Most Common Oral Conditions
December 17, 2021

It’s vital to periodically assess yourself for signs and symptoms of oral conditions to maintain a healthy mouth. Here are five of the most common dental issues you should be aware of.
What Are Tips for Invisalign Treatment During the Holidays?
November 24, 2021

There’s a lot going on during the holiday season, and hopefully, that means a lot of fun for you. In all of the hustle and bustle, the chances increase that you could slack off in your oral hygiene and Invisalign treatment. But if you can remember to leave cookies and milk out for Santa, you can remember to take care of your teeth.
Check out these tips from your dentist in Brampton on how you can stay diligent regarding your Invisalign treatment.