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Salvaggio Dentistry Blog

Tips To Consider When Caring For Baby Teeth

November 1, 2021

Help To Brush/ Floss 

tips for caring for baby teeth brampton dentist

It is essential to help your child brush and floss their teeth until around the age of 8. This is so that you can help them reduce their susceptibility to cavities and keep their gums healthy. Children under eight typically lack the skill and understanding to brush and floss their teeth well and require some form of assistance, whether that be in the form of completing it for them or monitoring them while they do it themselves. Start brushing your child’s teeth at the first sign of teeth, around 6-10 months old. Flossing should begin when there is contact between any two teeth.


Your Child’s Tooth Was Knocked Out! What Do You Do?

October 20, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — salvaggiodentistry @ 8:13 pm
little boy upset after losing tooth

When your child wiggles out their tooth that has been loose for the past week and then they set it under their pillow, eagerly awaiting a visit from the Tooth Fairy, it’s just about the cutest thing ever. But what about if your child knocked out a tooth unexpectedly?!

While this can be terrifying to your youngster in the moment, it can be stressful for you, as well. Like anything that happens unexpectedly, it’s always better to have a plan.

Keep reading to find out what you should do immediately after the tooth loss, as well as ways their emergency dentist can restore their pain-free smile.


Why Do I Have a Bump on My Gums?

October 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — salvaggiodentistry @ 6:46 pm
person with bump on gums

After waking up one morning, you head to the bathroom to start your oral hygiene routine. Just as you’re about to brush your teeth, you realize that there’s a bump on your gums. Oh no! Your first instinct may be to panic, but rest assured – it’s usually not a medical emergency. Bumps can be harmless, but there are some cases where they indicate serious oral health issues. That said, here are a few possible causes of a bump on your gums and signs you should see your dentist.


Learn About Different Teeth Whitening Treatments

October 4, 2021

Several methods of tooth whitening/ bleaching are available to you, each varying in price and results. Listed below are several whitening options available with their pros and cons.  


We’re Moving To A New Location – Just 300 Meters Away!

September 9, 2021

The Salvaggio Dentistry team is excited to announce that we will be moving to a new location in the same plaza! Our new location is located across from Giant Tiger. We expect to be fully operational in February 2022.

In our ongoing efforts to better serve you, moving to a new and larger location will provide many more benefits to our patients. Here is what you can expect in our new location.


Can You Benefit From These Tooth Cleaning Tools?

September 1, 2021

It might be difficult to decide which toothbrush, floss or tooth-cleaning aid to buy when browsing the oral hygiene section of any drug store. There are so many options and different products that it can make the buying experience overwhelming. Below is a breakdown of other oral hygiene products and their uses to make it easier to know what to buy the next time you are looking for oral hygiene products. 

Manual Toothbrushes – Come in either super soft/soft/medium or hard. Use super soft if you know you are an aggressive brusher or have any signs of gum recession. Use a soft toothbrush in any other cases, and never use medium or hard. They are too aggressive and can damage the gums!


How Do You Handle a Dental Emergency While Overseas?

August 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — salvaggiodentistry @ 4:06 pm
young woman with dental emergency

Dental emergencies can happen when you least expect them to, which means it’s a good idea to be prepared! However, it can be a bit challenging to deal with oral health issues while abroad. When you’re facing a dire situation in an unfamiliar location, several questions might run through your head as you’re probably unsure of what to do. Read along to learn how you should handle a dental emergency while overseas.


What’s Toothbrush Abrasion & How Is It Treated?

August 3, 2021

toothbrush abrasion treatment brampton dentist
Image showing toothbrush abrasion.
Photo credit: Funkynatsuki

Toothbrush abrasion is a wearing down of the enamel (the outer layer of the tooth) and sometimes the subsequent recession of the gum tissue in the same area. Toothbrush abrasion typically occurs on the outer surfaces of the teeth that are easier to access with the toothbrush but can occur anywhere in the mouth. Toothbrush abrasion can be localized to a single tooth or generalized to several teeth. 


Why You Shouldn’t Skip Your Dental Hygiene Appointment

July 26, 2021

During routine dental visits, your dentist and dental hygienist will check your teeth, gums and overall mouth for health. Your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned and polished, removing plaque, tartar and staining. Certain tools will be used to clean above and below the gum line. Your routine dental visit will be recommended every 3-6 months, depending on the current health of your teeth and your dental needs. If you miss your dental hygiene appointment, you place yourself at risk of several different dental conditions. 

Risk of Cavities 

During your routine dental hygiene appointment, the health of your teeth will be assessed. If a cavity is forming, it can be caught in its early stages before it gets larger and can spread to other teeth. If you miss your dental hygiene appointments, you run the risk of developing cavities that go undiagnosed and can even turn into infections. 


What are Night Guards and Why Are They Important?

July 19, 2021

Tooth clenching and grinding are prevalent oral habits that are classified as nighttime sleep motion disorders. Clenching and grinding can occur subconsciously during the day but most commonly occurs at night. Clenching is the aggressive biting down of the upper and lower jaws together, and grinding is when the jaws move aggressively across each other, causing friction on the tooth surfaces. Nightguards act as a buffer or cushion between the upper and lower teeth to prevent tooth-on tooth trauma.  

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